Academic session:
The guidelines and instructions provided here will assist candidates in selecting appropriate Institutions/Programmes and in completing the ONLINE JAMB Application Forms properly.

Important Notice
- Registration for the unified tertiary matriculation examination (UTME) is online and all candidates are advised to register by themselves in any approved cbt centre as listed on jamb website ( All required information must be provided.
- Candidates are advised to read and understand instructions on how to complete online registration before visiting any accredited computer based test (CBT) centre.
- On completion of online registration, candidates must print out their registration slips which must bear their true photographs.
- Candidates will only be admitted into the examination hall on production of their printed examination slips.
- The board reserves the right not to allow candidates who fail to comply with these and other instructions to sit for the examination.
Important Points to Note
1A candidate must have completed or about to complete a full course of training in a Senior Secondary School, Technical College, Teacher Training College or an approved institution of equivalent status.
2A candidate must have attained the age of sixteen years (16) or would have done so on the first day of October in the year of his/her candidature.
3UTME candidates must write the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination and attain an acceptable standard in the examination for entry into the course of his/her choice.
4UTME candidates are advised to use the current syllabus. Past question papers on the examination are available for a fee at the National Headquarters, Headquarters Annexes, Zonal and State Offices of the Board.
5Candidates who submit more than one set of ONLINE Application Forms will be disqualified.
6Apart from the ONLINE notification of results, the Board will not enter into correspondence regarding candidates’ performance at the UTME or failure of placement of candidates.
7The Board reserves the right to withdraw, at any time any result released to candidates or admission offers made, if it is discovered that the candidates cheated at the examination or gave the Board false, incomplete or misleading information.
8Candidates whose scores are low for their chosen Programme/institutions could approach other institutions and/or departments for considerations. Such considerations would normally be given after such institutions had taken care of candidates who made such Programme either their first or second choice and other high scoring candidates.
9A candidate offered provisional admission may have the admission letter printed on the ONLINE payment of a processing fee of One Thousand Naira 0nly (N1,000.00) through the Treasury Single Account (TSA) to JAMB. Candidates are to note that failure to secure admission letter within the year of admission will attract an administrative fee of Ten Thousand Naira only (N10,000.00).
10Candidates’ requests for result slips are honoured on the ONLINE payment of a processing fee of One Thousand Naira 0nly (N1,500.00) through the Treasury Single Account (TSA) to JAMB.
11Request(s) for change of institution(s) and/or Programme which must include candidate’s Registration Number and new Universities/Programme (including Course Codes) is honoured on the ONLINE payment of a processing fee of Two Thousand Five Hundred Naira 0nly (N2,500.00) through the Treasury Single Account (TSA) to JAMB.
UTME Subjects
For a candidate to be offered admission into 100 level of the chosen Programme in any of the Institutions, he/she must obtain an acceptable level of performance at the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) in subjects RELEVANT to the proposed programme of study. The UTME subjects which are mandatory for the respective Programme can be found in their respective course page. All candidates are to note that “Use of English” is mandatory for all Programmes.
General Entry Requirements
In addition to the specific entry requirements into each Institution, faculty or department, the following are the general entry requirements approved for admissions into first degree Programmes for both UTME and Direct Entry candidates.
1Candidates must write the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and attain an acceptable score in the Use of English (Compulsory) and three subjects required for the proposed programme of study.
2A candidate must in addition to attaining an acceptable score in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination obtain one of the following qualifications:
- National Examinations Council (NECO)/West African Examinations Council (WAEC) Senior School Certificate (SSC) or the Senior School Certificate/General Certificate of Education (SSC/GCE ) or equivalents with credit passes in five (5) subjects including English and Mathematics obtained at not more than two sittings; except where otherwise specified.
- Grade II Teachers’ Certificate (TC II) with credit or merit passes in at least five (5) subjects. PLEASE NOTE THAT TCII IS NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR SOME PROGRAMMES IN SOME UNIVERSITIES.
- National Technical Certificate (NTC), National Business Certificate (NBC) with credit passes in five (5) subjects including English and Mathematics obtained at not more than two sittings. For the purpose of NTC/NBC awarded by National Business and Technical Examination Board (NABTEB).
3A credit pass in Mathematics is required for all Science and Social Science Programmes except where otherwise stated.
4A credit pass in English Language is required for all Programmes except where otherwise stated.
Please note that a matriculated student in any University is not eligible to sit for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) except those who are transferring from foreign Universities.
Direct Entry (DE) Requirements
Candidates with one of the following qualifications may be considered for admission by Direct Entry:-
- A minimum of five (5) subjects passed at not more than two sittings with at least two (2) at the Principal or Advance Level of the GCE and the others, at credit level of the SSC/GCE, NTC/NBC. No subject shall be counted at both Ordinary and Advance Levels.
- Passes in two (2) major subjects in the NCE with SSC, NTC/NBC credits or equivalents in three (3) other subjects (mainly for
Education Programmes). Education may be accepted as a third A/Level subject for those taking Programmes in Education.
- Two (2) credit passes at the IJMB/JUPEB examination or Cambridge moderated Schools of Basic Studies terminal examination or International Baccalaureate from recognised institutions with SSCE/GCE, NTC/NBC credits or equivalent in three (3) other subjects (unless otherwise stated).
Entry into the Examination Hall
In addition to the specific entry requirements into each Institution, faculty or department, the following are the general entry requirements approved for admissions into first degree Programmes for both UTME and Direct Entry candidates.
- Every candidate must write the examination in the town and centre to which he/she is assigned by the Board, as indicated on his/her e-registration Slip. Any candidate who reports elsewhere for the examination WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO WRITE THE EXAMINATION.
- Candidates will be allowed entry into the examination hall after satisfying the following:
- Presentation of e-Examination Slip
- Successful Biometric Verification
UTME Exam F.A.Q.
Candidates are to direct all enquiries to the ticketing link
You can press A to choose option A, press B to choose option B, press C to choose option C or press D to choose option D.
You can press N to move to the next question or press P to go back to the previous question.
When you are done with the examination, press S to end the exam, a dialogue box will appear asking you to confirm your action then you press Y to finally end the exam.
However, if you mistakenly press S and you are not done with the examination you can press R to return back and continue your examination, but if you press Y instead of R it means your exam is over and you cannot go back to continue.