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Follow our easy, step-by-step guide to help you navigate the Nigerian university application process.
Follow our easy step by step guide on how to check your NIN on your phone
Quick and easy steps to link your NIN on all major network providers in Nigeria (MTN, Glo, Airtel...
Guidelines and instructions to assist candidates in selecting appropriate Institutions/Programmes
This article explains the difference between an institute's/JAMB general cut-off mark and an institute’s departmental cut-off mark.
Learn how to calculate your aggregate score for different universities
The Board has released the Schemes & Sample Questions for all students wishing to sit for the WASSCE...
Everything you need to know about  Nigeria's higher education degree classification and grading system
Everything you need to know about the educational system in Nigeria
Guide on procedure for emergency transfer of Returnee Nigerian students into Nigerian university system in time of crisis.
Step-by-step guide on how to check your admission status on JAMB CAPS
Step-by-step on how to create your JAMB Portal account.
Easy steps to check your JAMB result online through JAMB portal and via SMS
Requirements for registration and steps to complete the ONLINE JAMB Application Forms properly
How to Accept or Reject an admission offer on JAMB CAPS
Having JAMB admission problems? Discover the most common issues and how to solve them—fast!
Steps to have your JAMB data corrected
Need to make a change in your initial choice of institution/course?
Find answers to common questions related to the CBT administered by JAMB
Options for candidates that are in any institution but with no JAMB registration number
Find answers to common questions related to the CBT administered in Nigeria
Learn how to print your admission letter on JAMB CAPS

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